Product Update: Q2 Recap and Q3 Look Ahead
Q2 2021: Porta Product Development
Over Q2 2021 at Porta, we have been designing and developing a number of products with the goal of facilitating users interaction and bring the best user experience to the blockchain space.
In order to do so, we have been working on a few products in order to ensure that they are well integrated.
1. The Porta Blockchain
The blockchain that developers will use to build their applications and integrate with our network.
2. The Porta Wallet
An intuitive and well-designed wallet that anyone will use to interact with applications on the Porta blockchain.
3. Portascan — the Porta Block Explorer
A simple interface that allows users to take a closer look into the blockchain and the transactions that go through the Porta Network.
Q3 2021: Porta Testnet “Padlock” release
We have just brought the first version of the Porta Testnet online. Our Testnet is called “Padlock”, in Q3 we are going to be launching our Testnet along with the direction we are taking for the development of the Porta blockchain.
These are just the core products that each blockchain needs in order to function. The team is working on our first flagship product that we aim to release later this year.
We will be launching our Testnet, it will take place within the next couple of weeks. Join our Telegram group or follow our Twitter account so you don’t miss any announcements.
The Focus and Advantages of the Porta Platform
At Porta, design is very important to us and a part of our DNA. We are always thinking about usability and the end-use experience when we design products. Our philosophy is that “If it’s easy to use, they will use it again.”.
That doesn’t just go to the consumer we have our developers in mind as well.
Whether you are new to development or a seasoned developer, we want your blockchain development experience with Porta to be smooth and simple as possible because we know that development is hard enough as it is.
This also extends to users as well, we don’t want you to feel like you are on a difficult-to-understand internet platform. We are aiming for your blockchain experience to be as instructive and intuitive as interacting with a traditional web application — that is the only way to get mass adoption of web3.
Development Decisions
Our thoughtfulness about design and experience doesn’t stop at user experience. We take our thoughts about design all the way down to the technology itself — to provide the best possible experience.
In this section, we will cover these decisions and give a brief overview on why we went in this direction.
For Porta’s consensus mechanism, we chose to go with NPoS (Nominated Proof of Stake) the reason for this route is in order to get fast, consistent, reliable, and cheap block transactions. Whilst still keeping power in the hands of the overall network, as they are the ones that vote in the validators.
Smart Contracts
Porta’s smart contracts are going to be written in Rust using Substrate’s Ink submodule. The reason we chose to go with Ink over Solidity is that we believe in the long-term Rust (or any other language that can be used to compile to WebAssembly) will give an advantage to the blockchain in areas such as speed, binary size, and memory efficiency.
If you would like more details on the advantages of Ink vs Solidity have a look at a great article written by Edgeware.
Thanks for reading! We are excited to launch Testnet within the next couple of weeks and get you building on the blockchain!